Note: Grasshopper is shutting down on June 15, 2023 => blog announcement
Let’s Go
Do you use any electronic now? Well, today and few years ago every electrical things partly was built with programming/coding. Not all electronic but some of them was built with coding even though it just simple code. So why don’t we learn to code now? It’s not that hard but not to easy. But don’t worry, there is good application to start your coding journey and this app help you to start learn and understand how to code. This is app named ‘Grasshopper’. If you have Android OS then you can grab it from Google Play or App Store if you are in iOS. Search with keyword Grasshopper
or click link bellow :
Start Use the App
Is Grasshopper installed in your device? if yes, so let’s get start!
If you fresh start the app, then you will find the login page. After you login then here is the screen look like.
Tap on learning list and get start the coding material. Code instruction, hint, and solution are there to help you understand along your learning.
Enjoy your learning and when you finish some part, you can get experience point to unlock gear for your avatar and when you complete courses you’ll also earn digital certificate too.
By now, start and enjoy your coding journey to the next level. See you again in next blog with more programming language.